Sunday, June 16, 2024

Instagram update


Good news! The three latest videos on my instagram recently got over 300 views all put together. heres the link.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Update on compilation albums

I'd like to announce something I've been working on. I'll be releasing two compilation albums for my older work I currently have on bandcamp. I'll be doing a compilation album for all my songs from The end of the line, Unbound, and Purge. I'll also be releasing a compilation album for beats vol. 1 and 2. These compilation albums will not only be released on bandcamp but also will be released through a music distributor so it can be on the major music streaming platforms. I'm doing compilation albums mainly to reduce the cost for distribution instead of releasing 5 different albums at a higher cost. And with the album I'm working on currently will also be going to a distributor as well as bandcamp. This will be the next big step in my music career and I'm very excited to materialize this proposal. I'll let you guys know when it's up on streaming platforms, and I'll let you guys know if I run into any issues down the road. But I am strongly adamant about doing this and I would really appreciate the support when and if it gets released. But until then, here's my bandcamp link to my earlier works.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Big update

For those that have been following my Twitter (now called X) then you would know that I have completed 12 songs so far for the album I'm working on. Its turning out really well so far, but the making of it is not over yet. This album is a big project, and I plan to release roughly around 35 songs on it. The reason being is because I simply just came with alot of different ideas for the album and once they're done I'd like to share them with you all. With that being said I also plan on getting the album through a digital distributor so that way it can be on some streaming platforms, and I also plan on making compilation albums of my previous work and getting that through a digital distributor as well. I just wanna say that I've been really working hard on getting the album done and making those two things happen, along with collaborating with my good friend Jazmin Brown, aka Kira Crow. We will also be working on more songs together and we make a really good team. I'm excited for what the future of my music has to come and I hope you guys are too. Take care guys.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

New update on my facebook music page